
Resonance Raman spectroscopy-based techniques are widely used to characterize a variety of different nanostructures. Raman-based techniques are trendy on the studies of nanocarbon materials such as graphene (2D systems), carbon nanotubes (quasi 1D systems), and linear carbon chains (truly 1D systems). These low dimensional materials are excellent model systems for studying phonons and electrons not only due to their strong coupling to each other but also because their properties are strongly dependent on symmetry breaking effects. A good strategy for modulating the properties of the nanomaterials as well as for probing the interaction between them (in case of hybrid systems) and with the environment in by means of strain. In this talk, we present the recent results of resonance Raman Spectroscopy in 1D (linear carbon chains and sulfur chains encapsulated into carbon nanotubes) and 2D (graphene) systems. We discuss how the strain-induced changes in phonon spectra unveil the properties of 1D solids and the interaction of 2D systems with substrates.
